Designs & Calculations

Before any physical work commences, every aspect of a job needs to be intricately planned. This is where years of experience, technical know-how and strategic thinking will be implemented before commencement of any project.

Using state-of-the-art technology, we engage specialists to design and calculate your project from the ground up. This allows us to plot every element, responding to the surroundings, specific requirements and potential scenarios that would require alterations. By analysing the data and calculating the process from start to finish, we can present our customers with a course of action that is equal parts safe, convenient, affordable and efficient.

Professional Programming

We use Smart Scaffolder & Layplan CAD software, which allows our engineers to produce scaffolding designs and test them to TG:20, the standard demanded by industry bodies such as the National Access and Scaffolding Confederation and the Health and Safety Executive. Knowing that everything we produce is compliant to industry standards isn’t just for peace of mind, it can realistically prevent disaster and save lives.

Following the rendering and testing of the 3D design, we produce 2D working drawings. These demonstrate the plans and elevations of every aspect of the project, including loading bays, staircases, birdcages and internal walls. By seeing how everything fits together and works in unison, under different circumstances and during a range of scenarios, you benefit from the confidence of knowing that you’re receiving a bespoke system.